Lives and works in Florence and Prato since 1977.
He was born in Diywania, Iraq. There he earned a degree in art from the Institute of Fine Arts of Bagdad, then later from the Accademia di Belle Arti of Florence, Italy.
He partecipated in various exhibitions in Iraq until 1977 when he moved to Italy.
2014 Autumn., Galleria Immaginaria, Firenze
2012 Incontro. Artisti K0, Auditorium -Centro per l' arte contemporanea Luigi Pecci .Prato
2012 Canti Andalusi, Galleria Immaginaria, Florence (I); The globe, Galleria La Corte, Florence (I)
2008 Thirty years of distance, Zinc exposities galerie, Bergen (NL)
1999 Stadsbiblioteket, Goeteborg (S); L’albero della vita, Galleria La Spirale, Prato
1997 Galleria La Spirale, Prato
1996 Tamuz Gallery, Bruxelles (B)
1993 Polivalent Hall, Montemurlo, Prato
1989 Galleria Alfa, Milano
1984 Gallery of the Town Hall, Rignano sull’Arno -Florence
1983 Municipal Gallery, Troghi, Florence
2014 Oltrevisore-Albume convivial art project,Cuneo.
2013 21 Cuori, Atelier Giardino Colgante, Prato; ALTER EGO Ex-chiesa di San Giovanni Gerosolimitano. Prato; Il linguaggio universale dell’arte, C.A.O.S. Museum, Palazzo Primavera, Terni.
2012 Dove Sta “Za”? 110 Artisti Per i 110 Anni di Zavatini, Quadro 0,96, Fiesole; Dialoguing Textures. Ex-chiesa Di San Giovanni Gerosolimitano, Prato
2011 Videoarte, Neon campobase, Bologna; La rincorsa della lepre, Brolo (ME); Festart VideoArtFestival - Forum di Ancona Culture as resource and value, teatro delle Muse- Ancona; The Mystical Self, VideoArtVerona, Verona; VisualContainer, Milano; Ars gratia artis, Galleria La Corte, Florence
2010 Visioni irachene, videoart, Sala Altana, Palazzo Strozzi, Florence; Magmart Festival, PAN, Palazzo delle arti, Naples and Museum of contemporary art of Casoria, Casoria (CE); 3rd Bagasbas Beach International Eco Arts Festival, The Philippines; FestArt VideoArt Festival, Macro Testaccio, Museum of contemporary art of Rome, Rome; Ravello LAB, Torre Maggiore di Villa San Rufolo, Ravello
2009 sulla propria pelle, Villa Vogel, Florence; Galleria Roos, Greve in Chianti
2008 15 artisti x 111 sms, Andrea Del Sarto, Florence
2005 Il Cassero, Prato (Italy)
2003 Artisti del Novecento pratese, Santa Caterina, Prato (I); Kufa Gallery, London (GB)
2002 Theatre of Utrecht, Utrecht (NL)
2001 Company Gallery, Utrecht (NL); Mokum Gallery, Amsterdam (NL)
2000 Brunei Gallery, London (GB)
1998 Etruria Arte, Venturina –Leghorn (I)
1996 Konst Ustalling, Goeteborg (Sweden)
1995 Galleria CEPAC, Prato (I)
1993 Galleria La Spirale, Prato (I), I colori del mondo, S.Bartolo a Cintoia, Florence (I); I colori del mondo, Galleria DEA, Florence (I);
1989 L’arte che non esiste, Palazzo Valentini, Rome (I)
1988 Galerie Nuovo Aleph, Milan (I)
1984 Circolo Brecht, Milan (I)
1983 Fiera d’Arte, Messine (I), 15th Biennal International of Fine Arts, Ljubljana (Slovenie)
1982 Folklore Museum, Rome (I), Municipal Art Space, Paris (F), Sirian Center Cultural, Damascous (Syria)
1981 Palazzo Parte Guelfa- Municipal Gallery, Florence (I), Palazzo Ca’ Giustiniani- Municipal Gallery, Venise (I)
1978-1979 Exhibition of Iraqi Artists, Municipal Gallery, Perugia (I)
His works are in the collections of C.A.O.S. Museum- Terni, Museum of contemporary art of Casoria- Casoria (CE) and Museum of Arts and Antiquities -
Al-Qadissiya University, Iraq, and in private art collections in Italy, The Netherland, Switzerland and Great Britain.
Biennal International of Fine Arts (cat.), Moderna Galerya Jugoslavija, Ljubljana, 1983
La grafica di Resmi Kadhim, Comune di Rignano s/Arno, Florence 1984
Etruria Arte -Centro di iniziativa per le attività creative, Lalli editore, Leghorn 1988
I colori del mondo (cat.), Comune di Firenze, Q4 e Associazione AEAOA, Florence 1993
Le sabbie del deserto (cat.), Comune di Montemurlo, Florence 1993
L’albero della vita, (cat.) Galleria Spirale, Prato 1999
F. Riccomini, Storia delle arti figurative nella Prato del tardo Novecento, Ed. Le Polene, Prato, 2003
AAVV. 15 artisti x 111 sms, cat., Florence 2008
Thirty years of distance, cat., Florence 2008
AAVV, ArtVerona, VideoartVerona, Cat., 2011
AAVV, Ars gratia artis, cat., Florence 2011
Resmi Al Kafaji, Chiaroscuro, ed Fratini, 2014
His works are in the collections of C.A.O.S Museum Terni, Museum of contemporary art of Casoria, Casoria (CE)Italy, and Museum of Arts and Antiquities, Al Qadissiya University, Diywania Iraq and in private art collections in Italy, The Netherland, Switzerland and Great Britain.